Choose a car brand
◄ Renault

Choose adapter
Model year Unit designationType of adaptation
Default = Select this type if your car has no armrest and you want to mount any of the Comfort system different armrests models.

X-Change = Select this type if your car already has a factory installed armrests on the seat, which you wish to change / upgrade to Comfort system wide armrest console (MLC310) -which provides better comfort with adjustability and an extra storage compartment in the car.

Special = Select this type if you are looking for an armrest adjustment for different types of special chairs (eg Recaro, Isringhausen and others.) Or a solution whereby the armrest mounted by the car's center console instead of on the chair.
◄ 01/2015 - ??/????AGStandardGet info
Choose right or left
If you have a left-hand drive (LHD), select an R adapter for mounting on the driver's seat right.

If you have a right-hand drive (RHD), choose an L-adapter for mounting on the driver seat's left side.

If the adapter number ending in a U (universal) so it fits into both sides of the seat regardless of LHD / RHD.

Also have in mind that most adapters in the Comfort System (R / L & U) can also be mounted on the passenger seat, and in some cases on both sides of the driver and passenger seat. What is true of every specific adaptation can be seen under ''Remarks'' on the adjustment info page.

◄ F1330-62015L
Adapter no:
If you have a left-hand drive (LHD), select an R adapter for mounting on the driver's seat right.

If you have a right-hand drive (RHD), choose an L-adapter for mounting on the driver seat's left side.

If the adapter number ending in a U (universal) so it fits into both sides of the seat regardless of LHD / RHD.

Also have in mind that most adapters in the Comfort System (R / L & U) can also be mounted on the passenger seat, and in some cases on both sides of the driver and passenger seat. What is true of every specific adaptation can be seen under ''Remarks'' on the adjustment info page.
All descriptions in this field assumes that the man sitting in the car seat and investments should be viewed from this perspective.

For example, ''Right side seat'' means that it is your right when you sit in the car seat provided.
Right side front seat alt. left side passenger seat
Installation time:15 - 30 minutes

Do not forget to select the armrest to your adapter. Go to step 5 below!
Recommended armrests: MLC310
Warranty: 3 years
6 - Does not fit seats original equipped with armrests or cars that have a high positioned center console that can collide with the armrest.
17 - If the seat is equipped with an adjustable backrest support -you can only use the MLC310 armrest (other armrest models will collide with the adj.wheel).

Choose armrest






